Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Labour Candidate Manish Sood starts fight against Gordon Brown before polls close on Thursday, jumping the gun too quick, wait for reinforcements

Dear All

I don’t know everything about politics but I do know that it is not wise to launch a personal attack on your party leader during an election.

It is quite frankly bizarre.

We now have a situation where a Labour candidate has launched a personal attack on Gordon Brown saying he is "the worst prime minister we have had in this country".

Manish Sood is standing in North West Norfolk.

And is showing poor political judgement, which begs the question how he got through selection.

On top of his “worst prime minister” gaffe, he says Gordon Brown is a "disgrace".

Sood also calls Labour ministers "corrupt".

The Labour Party has not suspended him which is also bizarre.

A former Labour councillor in Leicester, he is bobbing about the place telling anyone and his brother, he stands by his comments.

Sood said of Gordon Brown;

"What he [Gordon Brown] is doing is basically making things worse and worse."

He added;

"At the end of the day if he can't do the job properly, he should give it to someone else…it is as simple as that."

Although people do daft things to get into public office, this is by any standard extremely odd.

He is the anti Labour Labour Candidate!

David Collis, chairman of North West Norfolk Constituency Labour Party, said Mr Sood did not represent their views.

Well he would say that, wouldn’t he!

David Collins said;

"Manish has been divorced from this campaign for some time, but clearly determined to get as much attention for himself as possible."

Couldn’t he hire some fancy dress?

It worked for someone standing for mayor in England.

Collins added;

"Despite having such a dreadful candidate, loyal Labour members will continue to put the case for Gordon Brown as the best man to take Britain forward."

Mr Sood's mother, Manjula Sood, also a Labour councillor in Leicester, has criticised her son for his comments.

She said;

"My late husband gave his life to the Labour Party and my loyalty is to the party and to what Gordon Brown has done for the country. My son holds his own views but I'm very angry about this and very angry with him."

The constituency of North West Norfolk was won in 2005 by Conservative candidate Henry Bellingham who is standing again, with 49.9% of the vote.

I think for Tory Henry Bellingham the pressure is off a bit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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