Friday, April 23, 2010

Tory Candidate for council Martin Coxall in brawl with two Labour women in Poplar, total disgrace, he gets locked up

Dear All

The biggest fight so far between the Labour Party and the Tories hasn’t been on the debates and not on policy.

It was an undignified brawl in the street.

A Tory council candidate, Martin Coxall wearing a John Prescott mask has been arrested after allegedly knocking down two women while trying to disrupt a campaign visit by the former deputy prime minister John Prescott.

Coxall had to be restrained by police after allegedly assaulting two female Labour party helpers.

In a scene from a spaghetti western, Prescott abandoned his walkabout in Chrisp Street Market when he was confronted by three men, believed to be members of Tower Hamlets Conservatives.

Police sources confirmed a man in his thirties was arrested for assault after the incident and remains in police custody.

The brawl in Poplar erupted as a Labour activist snatched a sign from Coxall.

I suspect this will form part of his defence; he was the victim of theft.

Prescott said later;

“Tory council candidate in Poplar Martin Coxall attacked two women in scuffle trying to get me. Expect this from BNP not Tories. I'm alright after the scuffle. He didn't touch me but I was worried about the ladies. He was wearing a John Prescott mask! Bizarre.”

Labour Candidate Jim Fitzpatrick said;

“The men were within a few feet of John. At first we thought they were drunk, then that they were the BNP. It turns out they were Conservatives. This is totally outrageous behaviour.”

Tories are such wicked people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Far from being restrained by the police Martin Coxall was rescued by them from the Labour mob who were manhandling him. A semi-accurate post on your part although the fate of the two Labourite women is strongly disputed. The press were present , yet there are no pictures of females on the ground. There are lots however of Labour heavies laying into the two Prescott lookalikes.
