Friday, April 23, 2010

SNP MSP Anne McLaughlin exposes Labour Party lie on apprenticeships, the guarantee is worthless, 'show me the money'

Dear All

It’s a lie!

It’s deceit!

It’s Labour!

Making false promises does more harm than good.

The Labour Party has claimed they would 'guarantee' an apprenticeship place for any young person who wants one.

This is something which cannot be delivered by them for several reasons.

They cannot guarantee unlimited funding

They cannot guarantee unlimited workplaces

They cannot guarantee that in all cases the candidates will have the necessary educational qualifications which would make them suitable.

Some apprenticeships required a certain standard of education in order for people to progress through courses.

That is a fact of life.

SNP MSP for Glasgow Ms McLaughlin said;

"This is another false promise from Labour that simply cannot be delivered. They are callously playing havoc with the hopes of young Scots for the sake of crude electioneering. Labour know – or should know – that it is impossible to 'guarantee' an unlimited supply of apprenticeships without an unlimited supply of workplaces and an unlimited supply of funds to help employers take apprentices on. How do Labour intend to pay for this theoretical guarantee?”

As usual the Labour Party is making statements which they have no intention of fulfilling.

Lie now and not pay later is their strategy.

SNP MSP Anne McLaughlin added;

“In contrast, the SNP government is getting on with the job of delivering real apprenticeships and training places for young people across Scotland. Nearly 20,000 people in Scotland have started a Modern Apprenticeship over the past year”.

Another point of note is the SNP since elected as the Government of Scotland in 2007 has created over 130,000 training places.

Everyone should have the opportunity to try for an apprenticeship but this might mean they go via different routes so that when the vacancy is there, they have the skills to make a success of it.

And the SNP Government will work to ensure young people get the best help and advice possible.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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