Saturday, April 24, 2010

English Tory David Cameron makes it perfectly clear, Scotland is to be starved of public funding, England to increase their share of taxpayer money

Dear All

Remember that line the Tories trotted out in Scotland about mutual respect with the Scottish Government?

David Cameron is suggesting the parts of the UK most dependent on the public sector will bear the brunt of spending cuts should the Tories win power.

He is talking about Scotland.

Scotland has devolved government and because we prioritise our money differently for the benefit of the people, the English Tories plan to punish Scotland.

This has the echoes of Thatcher.

Now that Cameron has brought his anti Scotland credentials out of the bag, the case for voting SNP is clearly strengthened.

Like the Labour Party, the Tories are destroying the public sector so their rich backers in the private get to cream off the lucrative parts.

Cameron said;

“We need to grow the private sector in every area of the country.”

The effect of the private services taking over council services has been a disaster.

Jobs, pay cuts, services, scaled back and the public suffering!

Tories put profit before people.

So David Cameron wants to swing the Celt axe in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The intention is clear; the money raised is for England.

I would say that the case for a hung parliament is even more important as both the Tories and Labour have a clear agenda.

Celt countries are to be starved of funding.

This makes it vital that more SNP MPs should be returned in order to protect Scotland’s interests.

You can trust anyone else to protect Scotland’s future.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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