Saturday, April 24, 2010

Labour Party produce sick poster of David Cameron pushing a wheelchair, his disabled wheelchair bound son Ivan died last year, truly an evil act

Dear All

This election is shaping up to be very nasty.

However, there are limits, boundaries not to be crossed.

The Labour Party on the night of the televised foreign affairs debate published as the main image on its official website a photomontage of the Tory leader pushing a wheelchair in which William Hague was seated.

This was incredibly bad taste and insensitive as David Cameron’s son, Ivan, died last year aged six after spending his life in a wheelchair.

Ivan suffered from cerebral palsy and epilepsy and was often photographed being pushed in his wheelchair by his father.

It seems that the Labour Party under Gordon Brown is hardcore vile.

Disgusting doesn’t even come close to express the evil behind the Labour thinking that this was acceptable.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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