Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell painted himself as a victim, the James McNally episode shows him to be a nasty little git that Glasgow is well rid of

Dear All

I have no time for the Labour Party which I think is well known.

They are useless lazy self serving gits.

The Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell story has been painted as a personal tragedy because he was seen as a ‘rising’ star of New Labour.

But the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell story isn’t a fairytale but rather a horror story.

We saw a staged managed public face, now we see coming out into the public domain the private face of former Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell.

Purcell axed a senior Labour Councillor James McNally from his post heading one of Britain’s richest pension pots for refusing to take over Strathclyde Partnership for Transport in the wake of its expenses scandal.

McNally took the view this was a ‘poisoned chalice’ and it is a view which is understandable given the SPT was used as a Glasgow Labour Party as a cash cow and Ranger supporters travel agent.

In an act of unbelievable spite Purcell as a punishment, stripped McNally of his role as chairman of the Strathclyde Pension Fund.

McNally’s reason for refusal was sound; he thought his current position could pave the way for him to become a future City Treasurer.

Instead Purcell gave the position to his close friend Phil Braat.

Whoever ends up as the next leader of the Labour Council of shame at Glasgow City Council should strip Braat of the post formerly held by McNally and return it to him.

We can accept someone get bumped for being late, incompetent and stupid but exercising good judgement hardly ranks as cause for dismissal.

This example of what happened to McNally shows yet again the bitter divisions within the Glasgow Labour Party.

Jobs awarded not on merit but on friendship.

I wonder; how many jobs and contracts at Glasgow City Council and its Aleos were awarded on the same basis?

The Glasgow Labour Party is so rotten and corrupt; the stench is killing the City of Glasgow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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