Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SNP Candidate for Glasgow North East Billy McAllister calls on Strathclyde Police to launch crime investigation into Steven Purcell scandal

Dear All

The Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police is Steven House.

His job is to investigate crime, tell the time to little old ladies in the street and point people in the right direction when lost.

It is not all fun and games.

Sometimes a case comes along so heinous that it shocks hardened placemen to their cotton socks.

Not murder, not arson, not bank robbery, not unusual activities with sheep but the Glasgow Labour Party.

Steven House and the troops have acted like strikers on industrial action regarding the Glasgow Labour Party but don’t expect any flying pickets, they are illegal.

It is being to look like you can’t trust ‘Steven’s’ in this city to do their jobs which is a bit of a shame considering their pay packets are huge.

The Police have exhibited a disgraceful reluctance to act in the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Glasgow Labour Council of shame scandal.

This has led to Anti-corruption candidate for Glasgow North East, Billy McAllister, calling upon the Chief Constable, Steven House, to reply to his call for an investigation into Cllr Purcell's actions whilst leader of the council.

In the Sun newspaper, the former Labour leader Steven Purcell was screaming on its pages, ‘I done it, I done it, I done it’ so loudly, it must rate as one of the most public confessions ever.

Not once, not twice but circa six times according to reports.

Drugs drugs drugs!

We are told the Police are very hard on this type of activity, so where are the boys in blue?

They are having meetings with Team Angiolini.

Team Angiolini is led by Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini, so you can understand their problem.

‘How do you solve a problem like an open and shut case?’

Andrew Lloyd Webber solved a problem like Maria; Steven House can solve a problem like Purcell.

No singing required!

SNP Candidate for Glasgow North East Billy McAllister is seeking to clean up his community.

He has worked as a real local champion against organised crime, corruption and council mismanagement for 20 years.

But he needs help from the community and various services like the Police.

Billy McAllister said on the Purcell scandal;

“A number of constituents have contacted me regarding these concerns, and I've asked for them to be fully investigated”.

Steven Purcell said;

"I told close colleagues at the council about it because I think it is important to be honest They were happy for me to carry on - with the strict condition that it never happened again."

I am sure that SNP Candidate Billy McAllister and Chief Constable Steven House can agree on one thing, that is a confession.

The sticking point is that SNP Candidate for Glasgow North East Billy McAllister thinks the Police should act in the best interests of the community.

I am sure others would take a similar view but not Labour MP William Bain, he has already deserted the community.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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