Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cordia, a Steven Purcell created Aleo is starting to implode, job losses and poor service show how badly Glasgow Labour Council thought this through

Dear All

It’s an Aleo and it’s got to go!

One of the hived-off companies created under the Glasgow City Council’s plan to destroy Glasgow Council services was Cordia.

Cordia provides home help for the most vulnerable people in the City of Glasgow.

It has a staff of almost 9,000 people.

Now, the legacy of Glasgow Labour Council is coming home to roost, staff employed within Cordia will have their hours and salaries drastically cut or face as many as 800 redundancies.

Does anyone still believe the nonsense about the Labour Party standing up for the poorest and weakest in society?

Aleos were created not to help the workers but place them in a situation that removed their pay and conditions, something which Glasgow City Council couldn’t do while under their direct control.

Some people might call it sound business practice, but something’s don’t have a price tag like keeping people’s dignity.

The head of Cordia is Fergus Chambers, he reaps a hefty salary, £132,500-a-year but his workers don’t.

They are continually forced to do more work in less time, which means the elderly and infirm get less quality time and help in their own homes.

Clearly Cordia was a mistake as an Aleo.

The Glasgow City Council has a clear duty in my opinion to return this Aleo back under the control of the Council.

The unions are up in arms about the proposed measures and this looks like a dispute which will turn very nasty, very quickly unless steps are taken.

Alex McLuckie of GMB said;

“Our real concern is that Cordia is being strangled at birth, with the reduction in payments from the council leading to job losses and diminishing terms and conditions.”

What is happening in Cordia is a warning that should be heeded by politicians across the political spectrum.

Privatisation which puts profits before public service is plainly wrong.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone done their home work and noticed that Councillor Ruth Black, Steven Purcell's closes ally is also involved in Cordia..
    Jobs for the gay mafia in the council we think, no wonder aleos are now suffering as a result of the people put in place by Purcell to run them, aye their running them alright right into the ground by the looks of things
