Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gordon Brown's fake class warrior act is an insult to the intelligence, he has known only privilege and wealth throughout his life

Dear All

There are many words which could be used to sum up Labour MP Gordon Brown most of which are unprintable.

The word I would use is FAKE!

He is a fake class warrior who can’t stand being in the company of ordinary people.

Yesterday people saw the spectacle of Gordon Brown standing outside Number 10 Downing Street saying he was from an ordinary middle class family.

Then the Labour spindoctors edited the words “middle class” from the text of his speech.

As much as Gordon Brown tries to portray himself as ordinary, he like David Cameron comes from a very privilege background.

When you see the jobs and positions held by him, it is obvious he is hasn’t known the hardship suffered by ordinary families up and down the length of Scotland.

The idea of Gordon Brown being angry about David Cameron’s background of Eton and Oxford is laughable given that Brown went to one of the top universities in Britain.

Gordon Brown completed his PhD at Edinburgh University.

Brown said;

“I come from an ordinary middle-class family in an ordinary town and I know where I come from. I will never forget the values doing the right thing, doing your duty, taking responsibility, working hard that my parents instilled in me.”

Gordon Brown is to class war what bald men are to combs.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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