Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister takes time out of Westminster election campaign because Glasgow Labour has put further jobs in danger in Sighthill

Dear All

Although there is an election and people are hoofing about the place kissing babies and what have you, there are people who still have problems.

People of Sighthill face having their local community resource closed down.

In an area with such social deprivation, the SCOOS is very much a hub in the area.

Across the city of Glasgow time and time again we have seen community centres closed by the Labour Council of shame.

In Cadder, the SNP ran a successful campaign to save Cadder Community Centre from closure; it seems the SNP is needed to go to bat for the people of Sighthill.

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister and MSP Bob Doris took time off the campaign trail to see staff of the SCOSS who are worried about possible closure.

As the Labour Party destroys infrastructure because of their cuts agenda, the SNP fights to keep community together.

So, there is trouble at mill, where is the Labour Candidate William Bain?

No one knows but one thing for certain, like always when people are in trouble William Bain bales.

It is left to local champions like Billy McAllister and Bob Doris to take up the fight.

The people of Glasgow North East once again have been badly let down by the Glasgow Labour Party.

Need another reason for why a vote for SNP Candidate Billy McAllister is so important?

He is trying to protect jobs and community.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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