Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SNP MSP Bob Doris announces £17.4 million to help secure projects and jobs in deprived areas, delivery yet again by the SNP Government

Dear All

Through-out this Westminster election campaign, you will be bombarded with promises by candidates as they seek to convince you they have answers, they are hard working and they care about the area they are standing to represent.

You should listen to all candidates making their pitch but another thing you should do is look at the track record of the party in terms of delivery.

The SNP Government has been at the forefront of delivering right across Scotland for the benefit of the people.

As part of that delivery for people; Bob Doris MSP has welcomed the announcement of the latest allocations by the Scottish Government of European Regional Development (ERDF) funding.£17.4 million is to be invested in urban regeneration and rural development projects right across Scotland helping to create around 950 new jobs in areas of social deprivation.

The areas abandoned by the Labour Party.

SNP MSP for Glasgow Mr Doris said;

“This funding will be a huge boost for all the communities who will benefit from it. The SNP government is targeting this money directly at job creation and economic recovery. From Aberdeenshire to Dumfries and Galloway, these allocations will support a wide variety of projects that will create employment opportunities and support economic growth locally and in Scotland as a whole”.

The more projects that can come online the better the quality of life for the people gets, and some people depend on this type of funding to ensure they have local jobs and community resources.

SNP MSP Bob Doris added;

“In the Glasgow area alone, more than £4 million will go to support projects in Bridgeton, Govan, the Merchant City and Rutherglen and will be a welcome boost for those communities”.

This money will help rebuild the communities which have been destroyed nationally and locally by the Labour Party forcing through cuts, cuts cuts.

In ploughing this money into troubled areas SNP MSP Bob Doris realises the importance of securing infrastructure as hub of a vibrant sustainable community.

Every penny helps.

Bob Doris continued;

“In the north of Glasgow, for example, the £908,521 grant for the North Glasgow Regeneration Agency’s Saracen Exchange project will deliver a new health hub, incorporating a health centre and dental centre, alongside a business and learning centre and offices for North Glasgow Housing Association. The whole development will act as a springboard for public health improvement, jobs creation and wider regeneration activity in the local area. By investing in projects like these, which combine jobs, regeneration and essential local services, the SNP government is delivering lasting benefits to communities and prioritising economic recovery across Scotland.”

This shows how the SNP Government acts by ensuring that as soon as money becomes available, they look at projects which deliver, provide real value for money and have a last benefit for the people.

It is what good government should do; it is what SNP Government delivers.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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