Sunday, April 18, 2010

Schoolchildren suffer massive trauma as ugly Labour Candidate Jim Murphy stands beside them, rescue crews clog city roads to get help to survivors

Dear All

Do you remember Gordon Brown's attacks on David Cameron for ‘airbrushing’ his Election posters?

Well, it seems that it isn’t Tories who need airbrushing.

Labour Candidate for East Renfrewshire is at it as well, the reason for digital enhancement of Jim Murphy is to make him look more attractive.

How can you make someone who looks like a battered builder’s arse attractive?


Surely a better way to make him look better would be to transplant a mask on his ugly coupon?

Or have him meet people in a tent with flaps tightly shut.

Or only have him talk to people on the phone!

Or have him walk about with a blanket over his head with slits for the eyes.

The gaffe came to light as a desperate Jim Murphy distributed a leaflet to voters in his East Renfrewshire constituency showing him looking suspiciously bright-faced and disembodied.

Murphy is under real pressure as Richard ‘goofy’ Cook, the Tory Candidate is set to take the seat at the Westminster election, He is being pressed him hard.

As a tactic to get Jim ‘big ears’ Murphy re-elected, he and Labour have been playing up the BNP threat.

The reason for this is to collar people of all faiths to work for him as volunteers.

Cynical, pathetic and low!

A ‘big ears’ Murphy spokesman said;

‘In the original picture, taken by a student, his face was so dark he looked like a member of the Addams Family, so we had to do something”.

And no one had a flamethrower?

I have a radical idea, ‘big ears’ Murphy sits in a chair and local residents slap the ugliness out of him.

Can’t guarantee 100% success but it is worth a try.

Looking at the faces of the young people standing beside him, his ugliness has had a traumatic effect on them which will impact on them for the rest of their lives.

Treatment needs to start immediately if lives are to be saved.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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