Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bridget McConnell's failure down at Culture and Sport is complete, she gets £132,000k a year, the public get a crap second rate service

Dear All

The head of Culture and Sport is Bridget McConnell.

She is the wife of Jack McConnell, I have blog on her and Culture and Sport before as I think their service is second rate, badly managed and lacking vision.

As a Labour Council of shame controlled Aleo, this is one of the donkeys set up not in the interests of the people of Glasgow but rather in the interests of the Labour Party.

Now, hundreds of Culture and Sport Glasgow workers have voted to strike if pay demands are not met.

The Labour Aleo’s were set up to cut pay and conditions for staff who were previously Glasgow Council employees.

We have the prospect of Leisure centres and museums across the city being closed.

Support for strike is strong; members of four unions returned a 60% “yes” vote to strike.

So next week, be prepared to turn up at your local sports centre and find staff has walked out.

Brian Smith, branch secretary for Unison in Glasgow, said strike action would hit leisure centres and museums hard.

He said;

“We have a full programme of action prepared and if the strike goes ahead we will take all our members out. Everything would be shut, from Kelvingrove to the Burrell Collection and all sport centres and swimming pools. Of course, if Culture and Sport want to resolve the issues raised before next Thursday, then we will step down, but that seems unlikely to happen.”

So what is the grievance and should ordinary people like us support the workers?

Culture and Sport have a proposal to cut some low-paid workers’ wages by as much as £2,500.

£50 a week and in these hard economic times that is like cutting your throat financially.

Bridget McConnell has no such worries about money, poor Bridget limps on by with just a six figure salary.

And a few extra quid of her husband Labour MSP Jack McConnell.

Culture and Sport like Cordia another Labour Aleo is planning to put the lowest paid under financial pressure to cut their pay and conditions.

But that is why the Glasgow Labour Party set these organisations up.

Does anyone still believe the Glasgow Labour Party stands up for the people of Glasgow?
I don’t the low paid staff of Culture and sport and Cordia would say so.

Yet again, the Glasgow Labour Party is silent, refusing to speak up for ordinary people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Like Glasgow Labour ever stood up for the people. It has always been about them looking after them.

  2. Dear Tris

    Too true, far too true.

    Glasgow Labour Party run Glasgow for their own personal benefit.

    Is it just luck that quangos in Glasgow are run by the relatives of Labour Party members?

    I think not and want an independent investigation into jobs and contracts awarded by the Glasgow Labour Council of shame.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
