Sunday, April 18, 2010

Glasgow Labour Party Mafia, jobs and contracts, keep it in the 'family'


  1. Just wish to let your readers know that as the person whom went to the SNP with the complaints with Glasgow City Council, Ruth Black etc, we have no personal issues or grudges against Ruth Black. She states that the allegations against her are malicious by two ex colleagues, i being one of them and this was made public in a newspaper, again this was not done out of grudge or malice.
    Myself and a ex director of the board connected to Ruth Black's The Castro Glasgow Ltd, went to the SNP with our concerns, indeed documents provided dated in February 2010 are with the relevant authorities on this matter.
    These documents were prior to the story and scandal of Steven Purcell.
    The reason we went to the SNP is quite simple. We did not/dont trust Glasgow City Council Chief Executives Office as it was rumoured that persons within this office had contacts with the person concerned. The SNP were our choice, and by rights they have done the correct thing.
    A bit concerning though is that we now believe Ruth Black has not been suspended from office as a result of these serious matters and questions we believe now need to be asked.
    This woman is also in charge of an organisation The Castro that deals with vulnerable adults and young persons, again given the seriousness of these matter questions need to be asked about this womans integrity, leadership of this centre.
    Again and i reiteriate, the complaints against this woman are not done out of malice or a grudge as she has suggested. We have produced documents that support our claims. Now it is up to Glasgow City Council Audit Unit and Strathclyde Police to fully investigate this matter and deal with accordingly.

  2. Further to today's developments and the fact that "other" parties have now came forward with even more incriminating evidence against messer's, Purcell & Black, it must make people realise there is indeed no smoke without fire.

    Tha fact that she states she has been told she is not being investigated or being charged with anything kinda gives the impression shes not all there and she must be deluded to think other wise.

    The allegations against her are all corroborated and further details are still going to emerge against the corruption with Glasgow City Council, its labour councillors and others who now must be asking themselves what the hell is going on here...its quite simple, your councillors have been caught with their fingers in the cookie jar, only this time they have been caught red-handed and with the information to back it up.

    Ruth Black has delusions of granduar if she honestly thinks this is going to go away, how wrong she is.

    Glasgow deserve a better council, obviously the one they have at present is not up to scratch and its about time it got changed.

    Ruth Black claimes it was two ex employees that held a grudge against her and the is the reason all this has came out. If that is the case then why are other people/parties now coming forward with more incrimianting evidence against this woman and her cronies at Glasgow City Council. Its not a case of ex employees having a grudge, it is the case ex employees ( who resigned, not sacked)had concerns about the way this woman operated.
    Indeed more light will be shed on this in the coming weeks and not before time
