Monday, April 26, 2010

Nick Clegg runs scared after Alex Salmond's devastating performance at Scottish Leaders debate, Clegg votes to deny Scots human rights and equality

Dear All

After SNP First Minister Alex Salmond demolished the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems at the Scottish Leaders debate, Nick Clegg is running scared.

Alex Salmond, 45% of the popular vote.

Alistair Carmichael, 33% of the popular vote.

It was a complete rout for the unionist representatives.

The debacle has forced Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg onto the backfoot as he says it was a "measure of desperation" that the SNP is planning court action over the final TV leaders' debate.

Nick Clegg who shouts about democracy long and hard isn’t so keen on others being allowed to have their say.

The SNP are not a fringe party; they are the Government of Scotland.

They speak for the people of Scotland.

The SNP are rightly furious that they have not been included in the leaders clashes because the mainstream media is trying to rig the General Election in favour of unionist parties only.

This has led to the SNP attempting to raise £50,000 to pay for legal action at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

For a simple concept, to be treated equally and fairly!

The Tories, the Labour Party, the Lib Dems and the broadcasters don’t believe in this concept.

The SNP intend lodge papers with the court seeking a review of the broadcaster's position to "ensure that Scottish interests are properly represented".

Already £34,000 has been given by the public to ensure Scotland’s voice is heard.

£16,000 is still needed.

Why is Clegg afraid to face the leader of the Scottish Government?

If Scotland is to be denied fairness then the broadcast should be banned in Scotland.

Alex Salmond and the SNP have at every turn given the unionist parties and the media the opportunity to do the right thing.

The Human Rights Act 1998 is supposed to ensure fairness and equal treatment, so it is right that the SNP should seek a review to uphold their human rights.

But English people still treat Scottish people as second class citizens with second class rights.

Let us see what a judge has to say about that.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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