Monday, April 26, 2010

SNP Candidate John Mason highlights Labour's shameful Farepak legacy, 15p in the pound to victims, a settlement unfair for all

Dear All

SNP Work and Pensions Spokesman and Westminster candidate for Glasgow East, John Mason has quite rightly condemned the 'inadequate and unfair' settlement for the thousands of victims of the Farepak collapse.

Ordinary people who scrimped and saved up to give their families a merry xmas have been stabbed in the Labour Government.

It is more important to protect banker’s bonuses than protect a family in Glasgow East and elsewhere from being ripped off.

Following a meeting between former directors of the Christmas savings club and the joint liquidators, Farepak families are set to receive just 15p for every pound invested.

15 pence is ridiculous.

And of course the Labour Government has refused to help as its repeated failure to step in to ensure proper compensation for the victims was ignored.SNP MP John Mason said;

"It is simply disgraceful that, three years after the Farepak collapse, 123, 000 victims are still haunted by this ghost of Christmas past”.

He added;"It is a disgrace that thousands of low-income families, still struggling to find their feet, are set to receive this inadequate and unfair payout while the administrators have made millions”.

On top of that the Labour Government let them take the cream and leave the people with crumbs.

So, where are the six Glasgow MPs who never stood up for the Farepak victims?

Not helping the families, that is for sure!

Why didn’t the Labour Government bring forward adequate consumer protection?

Because they don’t care that 123,000 victims are given a voice.

The Labour Government could have acted but never acted.

Cold comfort for ordinary people, they wanted action, the Labour Party offered slogans.

Glasgow East like elsewhere in Scotland needs local champions, full time MPs like John Mason to fight the fights that need fought.

John Mason is still battling to help the Farepak victims but no Labour MP is willing to stand beside him.

That speaks volumes.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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