Sunday, April 25, 2010

Labour controlled City Building gives £125k contract to one of Labour donor Willie Haughey's companies, questions need to be asked, lots of questions

Dear All

One thing which is needed is an inquiry into Labour controlled Glasgow City Council and the Aleos they set up.

Now more allegations have surfaced about the Labour-dominated construction quango, City Building.

This time it is a £125,000 deal with the Labour Party’s biggest Scottish donor, Willie Haughey who seems to do very well out of his relationship with the Labour-run Glasgow City Council.

City Building paid £126,077 for staff clothing to a company owned by the millionaire Willie Haughey.

How do we know Labour donor Haughey is a millionaire?

He got £20 million in contracts from the Council.

SNP Candidate John Mason is pressing for an Audit Scotland probe into City Building.

He said there appeared to be an “accumulating pattern” of behaviour which should be investigated.

Seven of the eight firms who tendered for the clothing contract were rejected for failing to meet “minimum technical criteria”.

But a guy who runs a fridge repair business was acceptable.

City Refrigeration Holdings (CRH) was awarded the contract.

City Building is stuffed with Labour Party members who have questions to answer about how Labour Party donors benefit from taxpayers money.

At the head of City Building is Willie Docherty who does every well to the tune of £150,000-a-year as managing director.

He is a Labour member in Glasgow South.

His wife is a Labour Councillor at Glasgow City Council.

Labour Councillor Gerry Leonard rakes in £20,000-a-year as chairman plus his Councillor’s salary.

2008 sees the appointment of Lesley Quinn, Labour’s former Scottish general secretary, to the new post of “business development manager” at City Building, job never advertised.

One question on the streets of Glasgow is how many jobs and contracts have been awarded to Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors?

And the Glasgow Labour Party is still fighting to ensure the public don’t get answers.

It will take an SNP administration in Glasgow City Council to get answers that the public are seeking.

2012 sees Council elections and the chance to change Glasgow for the better.

It is time to kill the Glasgow Labour Party fiefdom and return accountability to the public.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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