Sunday, April 25, 2010

Former Labour MP and MSP Dennis Canavan urges people to vote for SNP Candidate John McNally because he is"someone you can trust"

Dear All

You know Labour support is collapsing when people such as Ex-Labour MP Dennis Canavan urge voters to back the SNP Candidate, John McNally in his former constituency.

Dennis Canavan who has a large popular following in Falkirk is asking the people to vote SNP.

This is a truly remarkable situation by any standard.

Canavan has thrown his weight behind the SNP Candidate where Labour's Eric Joyce is seeking re-election.

The slogan by Canavan is "someone you can trust".

Labour Candidate Eric Joyce, one of Britain’s most expensive MPs is seeking re-election in Falkirk.

In a damning statement the former MP and MSP for Falkirk West said;

"Eric Joyce has been MP for nearly 10 years and his record speaks for itself”.

Joyce has a record of excess with little return to the public.

Canavan added;

"He has hit the headlines several times as Britain's most expensive MP but are you getting value for money? Surely the people of Falkirk constituency deserve better. Now is the time for change”.

And change can only come about by voting SNP.

The testimonial given by Dennis Canavan about John McNally is superb;

"I have known John McNally for many years. When I was in Parliament, I had a good working relationship with him, as a local councillor. John is an honest man, someone you can trust. If you elect him as your MP, he will work hard on your behalf. That is why I think he is worthy of your support."

And that is what you get when you elect an SNP MP.

A local champion!

SNP Candidate John McNally said;

"I would like to thank Dennis Canavan for his warm words and best wishes. This election is a chance for people in Falkirk to clean up Westminster and I hope, to elect me as their local champion."

With the Labour Party doing so badly in the polls, people need to think about who will stand up for them and Scotland against London based unionist parties.

It’s SNP!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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