Friday, April 16, 2010

Last night's leader debate, Nick Clegg easily won, Cameron looked out of his depth and Gordon Brown literally died politically on stage

Dear All

Stating the obvious is a good tactic, David Cameron has conceded his Lib Dem rival Nick Clegg did well prime ministerial TV debate.

Last night Nick Clegg connected with an English audience and polled a 43% of the popular vote with David Cameron mustering 26% and Gordon Brown scrapping 20%.

When Clegg spoke the approval meter climbed, when Gordon Brown spoke it nose dived.

So, the gamble by the Labour Party has failed.

The better the Lib Dems do the more chance viewers will in England switch and there are a lot of floating voters.

Predictably all the political parties claimed they had ‘won’ but the reality was Clegg looked natural, Cameron looked unsure and scared and Brown with his customary attempt to appear friendly looked overly fake.

Lord Ashdown said;

"it was Nick Clegg's night".

So, both Labour and the Tories have a mountain to climb, two debates left and the tone has been set by Clegg’s 43%.

I have previously blocked on the Tory problem of style over substance but the Labour Party’s problem cannot be fixed.

It’s Gordon Brown.

When he talked about the bravery of British Troops the words literally died in his mouth.

He knows the public do not trust him to protect the lives of British Servicemen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

England now effectively has a three horse race between Labour Tories and Lib Dems.

Scotland is different, last night was all about England; it is still a two horse race here, Scottish National Party versus the Labour Party.

Nick Clegg is putting doubt in the minds of English voters and that increases the chances of a hung parliament.

He just has to hold his nerve.

Yours sincerely

George LairdThe Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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