Thursday, April 15, 2010

The rise of institutional bullying is the legacy of the New Labour project, Gordon Brown ally Charlie Whelan accused of allowing 'culture of fear'

Dear All

You say the word bullying to me and I think of two organisations straightaway Glasgow University which is now led by Anton Muscatelli.

And the Labour Party led by Gordon Brown.

Labour leader Gordon Brown seems to have as an inner circle people who have a track record of bullying and Brown walks and talks to these people claiming to have no guilty knowledge of their activities.

Gordon Brown is a bit like an Anton Muscatelli character happy to let bullying go on even after being presented with the evidence.

Now bullying allegations have returned to haunt Labour and Gordon Brown with his close ally Charlie Whelan accused of abusing union staff.

The accusations of bullying are from female employees who claim that there is a 'culture of fear and verbal violent tirades' at their work place.

It is also claimed that Charlie Whelan’s arrival at Unite union led to a 'culture of bullying and intimidation that appears to be endemic'.

This is how allegedly bullying works at Unite there is 'a pattern of behaviour allowed under Charlie's leadership' where the few whom he trusts 'are abusive, aggressive, and generally intimidating to others with his knowledge and approval'.

This is exactly my experience of how Glasgow University senior management operates.

In this election Gordon Brown who has had previous allegations of bullying being portrayed as ‘strength of character’ is now linked yet again to a culture which the Labour Party has allowed to be created in Britain.

The rise of institutional bullying is very much a legacy of the New Labour project.

So, what do Charlie Whelan, Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and Anton Muscatelli all have in common?

Allegations that people they were involved with were engaged in bullying and a climate of fear and they didn’t act but allowed it to continue.

Anyone see a pattern?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I am a member of UNITE and what evidence do you have to support your wild allegations.

    The media is full yes full of examples of snp cybernat bullying and
    vile attacks on those who do not bow to the snp Nationalist agenda.

  2. Dear Mxyzpltk

    Could the proof be the statements of the witnesses claiming bullying?

    Or are you saying that these people are all involved in a conspiracy?

    Thank you for declaring your interest as a Unite member.

    Finally, I post my own stuff on my own blog, its very much my agenda.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
