Friday, April 16, 2010

Criminal probe into Glasgow Labour Councillors by Strathclyde Police proves SNP Candidates were right to fight on behalf of the people

Dear All

It seems that both SNP Candidates John Mason and Billy McAllister have been proven right in their calls for an investigation by Strathclyde Police into a growing number of allegations surrounding former Labour council leader Stephen Purcell and the Glasgow Labour Council of shame.

Yesterday, we learned that a serving Glasgow Labour Councillor Ruth Black was interviewed by Police over allegations of corruption and drug use.

SNP candidate for Glasgow East John Mason said;

“This is welcome news from Strathclyde Police and puts more pressure on Labour Councillors in Glasgow to adhere to the call for an independent investigation”.

And that is the nub of the matter, an independent inquiry is needed.

SNP Candidate John Mason added;

“A number of questions must now be answered by Mr. Purcell, council officials and his Labour colleagues.

These questions centre around Purcell’s admission that people in the Council knew of his drug problem but allowed him to carry on.

Who are these people?

What positions of trust do they hold?

Did they benefit from patronage from Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell?

Although the Glasgow Labour Party thinks the people of Glasgow are stupid they are starting to ask how many jobs and contracts have been awarded by Labour controlled Glasgow City Council to Glasgow Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors?

They want to know the extent of Glasgow Labour Party unfairness against the people.

An independent inquiry and those Labour Councillors who don’t have pressing appointments with the Police should back it.

SNP Candidate John Mason is right;

“It’s time to clean up Glasgow and bring this drip-drip of damaging allegations to an end.”

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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