Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Green Party launch their Westminster election manifesto for a high tax 'fairer' society, maybe they just don't know what fairness means!

Dear All

I don’t tend to blog much on the Scottish Green Party mainly because they are pretty much a one trick pony.

Having said I think having diversity in the Holyrood parliament is healthy.

The Scottish Greens have launched their General Election manifesto with a promise to inject colour into Westminster politics if they win a seat.

The Green problem is that in this election a lot of their issues are covered by other mainstream parties who want to be all things to all men.

Of course they would say they have a more clear vision, so in that vain Party officials set out their stall for a more equal society created by imposing higher taxes.

If they think this is a successful strategy they are barking mad and not firing on all cylinders.

Although they favour scrapping nuclear programmes, such as Trident, and the ID card scheme which is good headline grabbing politics, they just don’t get it.

Patrick Harvie, MSP and party co-convener believes the Westminster election is “wide open" and gives his party their greatest chance ever to send an MP to Westminster.

He said;

"This election has been described as wide open. It's an invitation to start bringing more diversity into the UK Parliament, just as we brought fresh ideas and new thinking into the Scottish Parliament. It could be the breakthrough election for the Greens."

This is delusional thinking on his part.

In order to win over a community you have to work hard in that community over years to establish trust and campaign on local issues, if you can’t do that, how do you convince people with effectively no track record?

In short, you can’t.

Eleanor Scott, party co-convener and candidate for Ross, Skye and Lochaber, said the party's achievements in the Scottish Parliament stood them in good stead at a UK level.

She said;

"We've punched well above our weight, with over £50 million secured by the Greens in the last budget alone to be spent on making a positive difference. There is no doubt that green votes matter but it`s only Green politicians who can make that real difference to turn around the tired politics of the past. A political party that provides true colour amongst the bland political shades of the others."

Although the Green Party got concessions, they did so not by the force of their arguments but rather by threatening to wreck the Scottish budget.

People know this and people do have the ability to recall facts.

The Green Party final pitch is eluded by Ms Scott about the party's moral obligation to create a more just society.

Everyone says that, we don’t need slogans but clear plans of action.

I wonder if the ‘plans’ are written on recycled paper and are coming to Scotland by sustainable transport (camels)!

I cannot see them doing well but they have the right to try.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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