Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tory Leader David Cameron is reduced to begging via television against a hung parliament, the wrong tactic at the wrong time, shows he is weak

Dear All

One word which everyone in all political parties will be saying at the moment is ‘change’.

This was the theme of Barack Obama’s successful campaign for President of the United States.

The Tories got a kicking on National television when David Cameron was forcefully shoved into second place as Nick Clegg got 43% of the popular vote; Cameron mustered 26% with Gordon Brown on 20%.

David Cameron’s performance was pathetic and that is being charitable, also let us remember; he practiced beforehand.

This has lead Cameron to drop a political broadcast attacking Labour to make a grovelling personal plea for voters to avoid a hung parliament.

Such an act shows in my mind that Cameron has already lost.

The ‘help me please’ video has been replaced with a statement in which the Tory leader insists only he can deliver "change".

The Tories know how badly they have done as the Liberal Democrat surge in the wake of the first prime ministerial debate last week.

But politics is more than show and theatre, it is about substance and Cameron lacks substance.

This spoilt little rich boy and his Tory cabinet clique of millionaires thought they would have an easy ride based on how much Gordon Brown is despised by the public.

They had nothing to say of substance for years and now they are in trouble.

Is a hung parliament a good thing?

Is a hung parliament needed?

I would say yes on those two counts.

The SNP Government operates in a hung parliament and has delivered important changes for the Scottish people.

In a hung parliament, the Westminster Government will be more addressable to Parliament.

And that will be a good thing.

Cameron’s pitch for a majority is that people want a ‘strong leader’ but isn’t Alex Salmond a strong leader in Scotland?

This argument is nonsense and the sign of a desperate man who started the race for Number 10 in front and at the first hurdle fell.

So, his televised begging video is actually the sign of a “weak” leader.
You’re a leader or you are not, it is that simply, your arguments either have force or they don’t.

I would like to see a hung parliament because it is the only way to force through what the people want.


And that will not come under the old politics.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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