Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SNP Minister Alex Neil says 'fire up the boiler, it is time for a change', SNP boiler scrappage scheme helps 5,000 people save £190 a year on bills

Dear All

One of the good things about the SNP Government is that as well as looking at the big picture, they can focus on smaller issues as well.

The boiler scrappage scheme has been announced by Housing and Communities Minister Alex Neil which will benefit 5,000 homes to the tune of £400.

It is reckoned that the scheme will cut on average energy bills by £190 a year.

People need measures that will save them money and the biler scrappage scheme provides this and provides a boost to the heating industry.

To qualify for the new scheme it is only open to households whose boilers convert less than 70% of fuel into heat.

SNP MP Alex Neil said;

"Through the boiler scrappage scheme we will help people replace rickety old boilers for new energy-saving models and, importantly, put money back in the pockets of householders."

The SNP Government is also noted for their drive towards greener issues with a Government spokesman stating replacement of nearly 5,000 boilers will save around 5,600 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

This is the equivalent to taking 1,700 cars off Scottish roads, heating the water for seven million baths or heating 1,300 homes for a year.

The scheme is good for people, good for business and good for the planet.

Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers Federation director Robert Burgon said;

"Installing a new system will not only help the environment, it will also help save money on their heating bills. Like many other industries, the plumbing and heating sector has been badly hit by the recession and the scheme will prove a boost to many of our businesses."

So, yet again, another success story of the SNP Government, which is one of many.

Come the 6th May 2010, people will vote for a Westminster Government but the key question uppermost in people’s minds should be who is best placed to stand up for me, my community and Scotland.

I think the answer is staring people plainly in the face, at all levels it is the SNP elected representatives who are delivering on the ground.

Isn’t that what people want?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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