Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SNP Health Minister Nicola Sturgeon has a cure for Glasgow's health woes, new £840 million hospital, a suitable tonic for the local economy

Dear All

Today is another good day for Glasgow as Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon has officially marked the beginning of the biggest NHS hospital build project ever undertaken in Scotland.

The new hospital on the Southern General site in Glasgow completely destroys the Glasgow Labour Party lie that the SNP is not sticking up for Glasgow and its people.

The cost of the state of the art hospital speaks volumes of how important the City of Glasgow is to the Scottish Government, its £840 million.

The new site will be a welcome boost to the local economy providing much need jobs in the area stricken by Labour neglect over decades.

2,500 jobs will be created during the five-year project and pump £30 million into the economy.

The hospital is due to open in 2015 and the £840 million project will amalgamate maternity, children’s and adult services in the south-west of Glasgow making it one of the most powerful health hubs in Scotland.

SNP Minister Nicola Sturgeon said;

“This project will transform the future of healthcare in Glasgow for patients and staff alike. This project has the potential to regenerate and breathe new life into Glasgow’s economy and indeed the wider Scottish community.”

As well as the new hospital, it has recently been announced that health spending despite the economic recession will rise by on average 2.5%.

Brookfield Construction director, Ross Ballingall said;

“Where possible we will be advertising for local sub-contractors and offering jobs and training local apprentices and people who are currently unemployed.”

The sun shines in sunny Govan once again.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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