Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Labour PM Gordon Brown didn't tell the Chilcot Inqury the truth, is anyone really surprised by the antics of this psychologically flawed madman?

Dear All

It seems that Gordon Brown is to correct his evidence to the Iraq Inquiry.

Why couldn’t he tell the truth the first time round?

How much other false information has he given the official inquiry?

He is now forced to admit that defence spending had not risen in real terms every year under Labour.

This follows on from evidence that Gordon Brown personally starved the British forces of equipment such as helicopters which were needed to save British lives.

Brown now accepts as chancellor during the war that spending "did not rise in real terms" in one or two years.

As usual it is hard to get Brown to tell the truth on anything but there is an election soon.

Tory leader David Cameron somewhat taken aback said;

"At last the prime minister has admitted it."

Brown told the Chilcot Inquiry that the defence budget was "rising in real terms every year".

He is now refusing to answer questions when exactly he knew of the discrepancy in his evidence.

Why the dishonesty?

Now Brown says he will write to Chilcot to correct his evidence, he should be brought back and re-interviewed because the committee need to know why he didn’t tell the truth the first time round.

This admission is a victory for the former Chief of Staff, Lord Guthrie who complained that Brown had been "disingenuous" in saying he had given the military all they asked for.

He said the Ministry of Defence had;

"received the bare minimum from the chancellor, who wanted to give the military as little as he could get away with".

And British Soldiers died and received the most horrible injuries because of what Gordon Brown did.

He will carry that shame to his dying day.

In a complete insult to the British Forces, Brown went on the armed forces broadcaster BFBS and said;

"The urgent operational requirements that were asked for by our forces were always met."
Lying to service personnel, how much lower and disgusting can he get?

Gordon Brown is a fiend to the brave British Troops who are risking their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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