Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Deranged Labour PM Gordon Brown, the 'Mutley' of Number 10 loses his bite, he is nothing without his Labour attack dogs, the vet should put him down

Dear All

It seems that Gordon Brown yet again has bottled out of making a decision.


The Labour Government made an announcement that would force all dog owners to insure against their pets attacking people.

A week after suggesting the idea, it is ditched.

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said the idea would not be turned into policy, as ministers did not "want to penalise" responsible owners.

In other words with the election so close the Labour Party is paralysed with fear of offending anyone.

The Tories have jumped at the change of heart and are calling it a "humiliating U-turn" for Labour.

With more than 100 people admitted to dog attacks, it is only right that dog owners should have insurance in the same way they have pet insurance for medical costs.

The move would force in the region of five million owners to take out third-party insurance.

It is a move which would benefit owners and the wider public.

Dogs such as such as pit bull terriers and Rottweilers are used by gangs as weapons it is a problem that needs addressed.

Benn said;

"We can rule out compulsory insurance for all dogs. The idea of compulsory insurance was something that was raised with us because of the horrific injuries some very dangerous dogs can cause. It was therefore included in the government consultation document. But we would still be interested in views on whether third-party insurance could be a requirement of a dog control notice (ie if a dog is causing a problem)."

Effective government is now dead and the sooner the General Election takes place the better.

As a measure of how much confidence the Conservatives have they accused ministers of turning their announcement into a "political dog's dinner".

The Tories are now openly laughing at Labour Ministers as their authority to govern is drifting away, it is now a post Brown world that dominates the mentality of the people.

This U turn is another example how deranged Gordon Brown has become in the Number 10 bunker, issuing orders and diktat to people who no longer care.

He is howling at the moon.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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