Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Labour MSP Iain Gray abandons guarantees to Scottish voters as he puts fear and lies at heart of Labour Party agenda, people treated as second class

Dear All

The British Labour Party in Scotland famous for misrepresenting the truth and talking about our people’s broken promises has finally presumably by mistake told the truth.

The Labour Party in Scotland is ditching guarantees to voters on health and education.

So two of the big three election promises of any political party are to be discarded, the three being health, education and jobs.

Instead the Labour Party is said to be fighting on their discredited knife crime initiative were they use victims of crime and their families for political advantage.

They want to prey on people’s fear rather than bring forward meaningful policies.

The other aspect of their strategy is apprenticeships which will benefit a same minority.

So; why is Labour abandoning legally binding guarantees on health?

Two reasons they have no current policies of merit and have run out of ideas, the Labour Party in Scotland is in crisis.

Lack of policies, resignations and allegations of wrongdoing haunt them wherever they go.

Labour MSP Group leader Iain Gray told his election team to use the general election manifesto as a basis to spread the politics of fear and lies used it must be said in Glasgow North East and Glenrothes by-elections with some success.

In other words treat the Labour Party will treat the voters like mugs and count on them not asking questions.

The move by Labour MSP Iain Gray is a sign that he fears SNP gains.

The policy list isn’t an agenda for Scotland just a series of unworkable gimmicks.

The pledge on mandatory jail sentences for knife crime is unworkable.

The right to an apprenticeship for all 16 to 18-year-olds is a lie as it will be subject to qualification therefore it is not a ‘right’.

The plan for a victims commissioner is also a nonsense as it will be a job for a Labour placeman or woman benefiting to the tune of £75k a year.

John Curtice, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University, warned that Labour risks confusing voters, he said;

“If they tell people this is a straight fight between Labour and the Tories but attack the SNP it could be argued that they are sending mixed messages.”

Or you could argue they are just a bunch of lying bams.

It seems that the hallmarks of the Westminster election will be fear and lies spread by the Labour Party.

Yet again Scotland gets second class pledges while England gets guarantees enforceable by law.

Since when did the people of Scotland become second class citizens?

Isn’t this something to use as a theme and ask dimwit Labour MSP Iain Gray continually?

Only a vote for an SNP Candidate will make a difference locally and nationally for Scotland.

It is time to stop living in fear.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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