Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Greedy Tory MP Liam Fox loses expenses appeal to the tune of £22,000, he loses all his fights, wouldn't be much cop against the Taliban then

Dear All

It seems that greedy former Glasgow University medic Liam Fox, the Tory MP can’t count or keep from landing in controversy.

Fox is the Shadow Defence Secretary who has now lost his appeal against repaying £22,000 in expenses.

A former High Court judge ruled that he had significantly over claimed on his mortgage.

Although Fox is Shadow Defence Secretary, the only experience he has of fighting is with the gay community when a student as Glasgow University.

As a member of the SRC, Student Representative Council he resigned in protest at a gay and lesbian society being admitted to the Glasgow University Union (GUU).

At the time Fox said;

"[I do] not want the gays flaunting it in front of me, which is what they would do".

His stance was echoed by the then union president, Vince Gallagher who said;

"We just do not want poofs in our union. I wish they would just bugger off and give us peace."

Now, fast forward to a more liberal time and we see Fox ‘flaunting it in front of us’ as he over claims on his mortgage to the tune of £22,000.

Fox is one of five MPs whose appeals were rejected by Sir Paul Kennedy and the extent of his over claiming places him as one of the most senior Tories in the trough.

Having paid back the money and using delaying tactics, it is thought that Fox hasn’t done his pathetic political career much harm among the Tory Party.

It is seems that Fox has already started building his wealth by accepting donations from defence firms.

It will be a good day for democracy when this horrible little creep is defeated at the ballot box and sent packing from Westminster.


A typical greedy Glasgow University product who thinks they have an entitlement and is something special.

The Taliban have nothing to worry about from the ‘brother’ of Bungling Bob’, what a clown.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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