Monday, March 1, 2010

Russian Leader Dmitry Medvedev whines like a little girl over bad Olympic result in Vancouver, sometimes you lose

Dear All

It seems that the Russians are not happy about their poor performance at the Olympic Games in Vancouver.

No one wins all the time and it is a fact of life at some point, it is just not doing to be your day, even if you are the best of the best.

In a rather bizarre statement; President Dmitry Medvedev has called on Russian Olympic officials to resign, following the nation's worst ever performance in the winter games.

Is Russian so teaming with talent that they can chuck experience people on the scrapheap because of the performances of others?

If it was so easy to win Olympic gold, why does Medvedev should us all how it is done?

Despite being a Putin puppet this is the first time that I have heard the Russian ‘leader’ roar, who does he think he is, Stalin?

If you want the best, you have to find the right people right from the top to the bottom and provide the funds.

Russia during the soviet era was famed for its athletes but times are changing as Russia switched to a consumer economy.

In case he missed the cold hard facts, people have to give up their life to train and also earn a living of sorts.

Medvedev said those in charge of preparing Russian athletes for the Vancouver games "should take the brave decision and submit their resignations."

If it is a blame game then perhaps Medvedev should resign as Putin’s puppet as so many rich Russians have fled mother Russia to live in the West.

Medvedev’s failure has been going on for years!

He said;

"If they cannot do it, we will help them,"

FSB to put a bullet through the backs of their heads or perhaps one of the former KGB operatives in his government could order a spetnaz raid on their houses armed with AK74’s and grenades.

Russia has ended in Vancouver, 11th in the medals table, with just three Gold medals.

Comrades, more practice like the rest of us!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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