Monday, March 1, 2010

Alex Salmond declares the writing is on the wall for the SPT, reform or face the axe, best to use the axe and not waste time, Labour cash cow must die

Dear All

First Minister Alex Salmond is threatened to pull the plug on Strathclyde Partnership for ­Transport, following the ­expenses row that has engulfed the ­Glasgow-based organisation.

The move if it goes ahead will see the Glasgow Labour Party’s cash cow and travel agent dissolved.

Alex Salmond has told ­senior officials that there has to be an end to the culture of cronyism.

It is too late for that, the sooner the axe falls the better and its functions should be split among other ­government bodies.

Reform in Glasgow Labour Party eyes is just moving the deckchairs on the Titanic, a complete waste of time.

A source close to Mr Salmond said;

“The First Minister has given fair notice that the status quo for SPT is not an option”.

Given that the first thing by the Labour Party was resignations to attempt to kill an investigation followed by Labour Party replacements, who is kidding who on reform?

SPT chief executive Ron Culley, Chairman Alistair Watson and vice-chairman Davie McLachlan have quit amid revelations about expenses, however the entire body should go.

The source added;

“If they cannot and will not reform their crony constitution and practices, Government will need to intervene, and legislative measures are always open to us”.

The Scottish Government isn’t going to get a cross party body unless they use the power of parliament to drive through reform.

Is Glasgow Labour Party’s travel agent worth the trouble and parliamentary time?


Set them a deadline of six weeks for reform, draft the legislation so that this quango can be killed off as soon as possible.

Part of that reform should be a non Labour Party member chairing the board if this donkey is allowed to limp on.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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