Monday, March 1, 2010

Gordon Brown preys on people's fear of crime using standard Labour Party tactics of generating fear in communities, they cried 'wolf' too often

Dear All

The Labour Party has a play book; one of the pages is about using fear to win votes.

In Scotland at present, the Labour Party Campaign is about knife crime, the general jist of this scheme is to seek out and exploit the victims of crime and their families for political advantage.

No matter what the area in Scotland from Greenock to Glasgow, they use the same strategy, find a victim and start a petition.

Question, why did the Labour Party in Holyrood never tackle this issue while in power?

Labour MSP Margaret Curran claims is their number one priority to be dealt with, why no action?

Could it be that they are in opposition in Scotland?

Down south, Gordon Brown is urging police forces to keep officers on the beat in an effort to reduce the public's "fear of crime".

In order to solve a problem, the Labour Party must create in the minds of the public so they ‘solve’ it.

Brown is using a variation of Labour’s ‘tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime’, his opening gambit is him saying that it was not "acceptable" to miss the Home Office target of having neighbourhood Pcs spend at least four fifths of their time on patrol.

This tactic is being extended to him telling councils and police forces not to cut budgets for front-line law enforcement.

Brown recently in a speech he disputed the Tory claims that Britain was "broken".

This shows that he has become demented, living out a fantasy in his Number 10 bunker divorced from reality.

Under Brown, Britain is one of the most corrupt and rotten to the core countries operating in the west.

The gap between rich and poor is at its widest for 40 years under him and it is growing.

Brown refuses to tackle the root causes of discrimination, instead he focus on symptoms be ‘addressed’ by the very people who operate the discriminatory practices in the first place.

People see through the Labour Party lies of social justice and equality being constantly peddled.

The NGO sector is the unaccountable and unelected shadow government of Labour Party placemen and women that needs to be destroyed.

The General Election affords people to make a start by destroying every Labour MP sitting in the Houses of Commons.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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