Monday, March 1, 2010

Lord Ashcroft, Tory Millionaire declares he is non dom for UK tax purposes to kill any Labour Party attack during General Election

Dear All

The worst kept political secret in modern British political history is out.

Conservative donor and deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft has admitted he does not pay UK tax on earnings outside Britain.

Ashcroft has finally coughed out a statement that ends years of speculation regarding whether or not he was "non-domiciled" in the UK for tax.

As one of the biggest Tory donors, Ashcroft has been funnelling money into marginal seats so that Tory Candidates increase their chances of overturning in most cases Labour majorities.

And the extent of his largesse is mindboggling; he donated more than £4m to the party in recent years.

For years, the Tory Party has steadfastly refused to answer questions over his tax status saying that it was a private matter.

The timing of the announcement is significant given that there is soon to be a General Election and the Tories are keen to kill stories that they are a party of the rich, by the rich for the rich.

Ashcroft said;

"while I value my privacy, I do not want my affairs to distract from the general election campaign".

This is recognition that his money could be used as an election issue by the Labour Party.

In trying to talk this up, Home Secretary Alan Johnson told the BBC the news was "incredible" and "a bit of a bombshell".

Cameron recently said that that it was his "patriotic duty" to beat Gordon Brown at the next election, this is simply a joke, Tory betrayal destroyed Britain under Thatcher; New Labour simply carried on that work.

The fake outrage by the Labour Party is nonsense give one of the Labour Party’s donors Lord Paul is a non domicile but he pays his cash through his British Company.

Labour and Tory are two sides of the same dirty coin, the English choice in the General Election isn’t about policies or political records but who do you hate the least.

The Liberal Democrats said of the Conservative Party that they had been "bought like a banana republic".

Funny how money has that effect on some people!

Leader Nick Clegg said;

"I think if you are seeking to influence the outcome of the next general election... then it is wholly wrong that you basically seek to pay taxes only partially in this country."

In corrupt Britain, Clegg should learn to recognise the power of wealth.

In a hung Parliament he might acquire friends with very large bank accounts that he never knew existed.

Corrupt Britain can be bought and paid for.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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