Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alex Salmond fights for a fair and free election as the BBC attempts to rig the Westminster General Election in favour of Labour, Tory and Lib Dems

Dear All

It is now pretty clear that there is to be no free and democratic election for Westminster following the decision of broadcasters BBC, SKY and ITV to rig the election in favour of the London based political parties, Labour, Tory and Lib Dems.

The stance of the BBC is incomplete violation of their charter to be political neutral in their coverage of elections.

It is clear that the London based English Broadcasting Company (BBC) is going ahead with these debates regardless of breaching impartially.

The BBC says it will clearly set out how impartiality will be achieved.

The London based parties will get a 90 minute platform to influence the election and the other parties, including the SNP, the Government of Scotland will get a few seconds to respond possibly even two minutes.

Such is the anger that Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party (SNP) claim the BBC's live Prime Minsterial TV debates could "endanger the conduct of a free election", they have made this claim made in a joint letter from the parties' leaders to BBC Director General Mark Thompson.

It will fall on deaf ears.

There will be no balance coverage of the General Election now.

In the joint letter to the BBC they state;

"For politics to be about healthy debate, the winning of hearts and minds, rather than about prior tribal political affiliation, then parties in reasonable competition must be given similar opportunity to present their policy platform to the electorate. The medium of television has a unique ability at election time to bring the competition of ideas, which is at the heart of the democratic system, into the living room of every voter in the country. Without a properly informed electorate, the conditions for free election are not possible."

The only way forward is by the legal route.

If this is unaffordable then both Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party (SNP) might consider multiple lawsuits of the BBC in the small claims courts.

Every Plaid Cymru and SNP Candidate independently files a small claim for the maximum damages against the BBC for breach of impartially and denial of human rights under the right to participate in free elections.

59 separate independent court cases against the BBC in Scotland coupled as well as a judicial review for an order banning the transmission of the programmes in Scotland and Wales.

Fairness is dead.

The case for a separate Scottish Broadcasting Company has been made by the London controlled BBC.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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