Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell scandal mounts as Glasgow Labour Party try to distance themselves from him, it is now personally sanctioned pay rises outed

Dear All

There is a bad smell in Glasgow; it is called the Labour Council of shame.

The Glasgow Labour Party recently rocked by the scandal of the SPT is desperately trying to distance themselves from their former leader Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell.

The Labour Councillors are now attempting to claim ‘they know nothing’ by saying that Purcell’s leadership was “presidential” and insisting he took decisions without consulting fellow councillors in the ruling Labour group.

You just know that means they have something to hide.

Already, it transpires that Purcell personally sanctioned pay rises for a number of staff as part of an equal pay review.

So, who are the lucky winners?

Are they friends or family of Labour Councillors?

So, the pace for an independent investigation is gathering pace as unions and political parties want Audit Scotland to go through the books to see what the Glasgow Labour Party Councillors were doing with public money.

The Labour Party is now spinning that senior members of the ruling executive team were on the margins of the decision-making processes.

That doesn’t seem credible in the slightest even for Glasgow City Council.

From their stance of Purcell is a sick man they have gone 180 and are treating him as a leper.

SNP MP John Mason said he had written to the chief executive of the council, George Black, Audit Scotland and the Accounts Commission because of the seriousness of the allegations concerning the Purcell affair.

No one is buying the Glasgow Labour Party spin that Purcell was a one man band.

John Mason said he was writing;

“to urge an open and transparent investigation into the practices of the council in recent years”.

Given the knee jerk reaction by Labour Party, the sooner an independent investigation starts the better.

One thing is clear the rapid about face is suspicious.

Who were the people who benefited from Purcell personally sanctioning pay increases and what is their relation to the Glasgow Labour Party?

This story is going away until there are answers; it will hang over the Glasgow Labour Councillors.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. George, would you mind if I cross posted this at mines? With credit, of course.
