Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SNP MSP Bob Doris fights Glasgow Labour Party's 'Destroy Glasgow Campaign' by fighting to save local Cadder Community Centre, community is important

Dear All

One of the realities of the current financial crisis caused by the mismanagement of the economic situation by the Labour Government is cuts.

Cuts, cuts, cuts!

On the ground this means people in local communities lose out as the cuts by Labour controlled Glasgow City Council start to bite.

At present campaigners are working hard to save the Cadder Community Centre from closure.

These little community sprinkled around the city have an important function in the community as they give residents a chance to meet and build community.

Community is important.

You might not think so given the way the Glasgow Labour Party carry on, cutting services and destroying infrastructure.

As the Glasgow Labour Party are busy destroying communities and ripping the guts out of them creating ghettos, the SNP are working with local people to save them.

SNP MSP Bob Doris is working with the people of Cadder to save their community centre; the idea is to get a business plan up and running to allow the centre to stay permanently open.

Bob Doris has started a community consultation with residents in the Cadder area, the difficulty is to try and get the Labour controlled quango Culture and sport on board to fund the centre for six months to allow for alternative funding from elsewhere to kick in.

He said;

"Cadder has a wonderful sense of community right now, but if the centre closes then for people to get to amenities they would have to leave”.

And Cadder it should be noted is slightly off the beaten track in that respect, which makes saving the centre doubly important for the local people.

Cadder has already suffered under the Glasgow Labour cuts with the closure of St Agnes' Primary School.

Bob Doris is touting the notion of community ownership with people getting involved to ensure that community doesn’t disintegrate and people have a pride in their area.

Of the Labour Council he pointed out;

"It's simply a dereliction of duty for the local authority to shut the doors on this centre without talking it through with local people and the groups who rely on the centre. A tight council budget caused by the recession is being blamed for the decision to axe the centre, but in reality no investment was put in to this community in any of the so called good years. Cadder has been neglected by Labour in Glasgow. It’s time now for the community to be allowed to succeed where the Labour local authority has failed”.

And with a little good will and help of being pointed in the right direction, the people could make a go of it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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