Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tory MP Nicholas Winterton blows gaping hole in ‘common people strategy’ to win votes off poor people, he doesn’t want to travel ‘cattle club class'

Dear All

It seems that the reforms to Westminster and the way MPs claim don’t meet with the approval of Sir Nicholas Winterton, a rich Tory.

He is upset by plans to reduce first-class travel by MPs; his argument is that he needs first class travel for "quiet" and privacy to work.

But chucking him into the ‘cattle truck’, he would be forced to sit beside a "totally different type of people" in standard-class train carriages.

Possibly people who are noisy and smell with possibly course manners.

The Tories who are trying to portray themselves prior to the Westminster election as man of the people types have jumped on his insensitive remarks as "the out-of-touch views of a soon-to-retire backbench MP".

Winterton’s views are quite revealing as he says of the general public;

“"They are a totally different type of people”.

They are in fact the majority.

In trying to defend himself he piped up he was not saying people who used standard class were inferior but that, in general, they were not working while travelling”.

Spade and hole spring to mind.

His next JCB type comment on whether it mattered that the public might not agree with first-class travel, he said;

"I'm sorry, the public are wrong. It's for Parliament to decide not the public."

The public only supply the money, rich Tories like Winterton make the command decisions.

Sir Nicholas and MP wife Ann Winterton have done well out of the Westminster expenses by claiming rent of £20,000 a year on a flat they transferred to a family trust after paying off the mortgage.

Although it is legal, it rather shows the mindset.

Tories don’t change.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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