Thursday, February 18, 2010

Labour Councillor David McLachlan abandons ship at the SPT, new Labour members lined up to protect Labour Party 'cash cow'?

Dear All

It seems that transport carries is a high risk to health.

Especially if you’re a member of the Labour controlled Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT).

Glasgow Labour Councillor Alistair Watson resigns citing health reasons at the same time as calls for an investigation regarding expenditure.

Next up, unhealthy former Labour Candidate and Chief Executive Ron Culley goes citing health reasons.

Third up, another Labour Councillor David McLachlan said he had “reluctantly” decided to step down from his post as vice chairman of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT).

The state of his health is unknown but his lack of vision and leadership will no doubt prove a more viable topic for discussion.

In less than a week, three senior figures of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), all Labour have resigned.

In stepping down McLachlan said;

“I have reluctantly decided to step down from the position of vice chairman of the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport. I do so for what I believe is in the best interests of SPT. Over the past few days SPT has received unjust criticism which has reflected on me”.

Former Labour Candidate and Chief Exec said;

“I`m extremely confident that the investigation being undertaken under the auspices of Audit Scotland will exonerate officers of SPT as all delegations over the past four years were approved in advance by an authority comprising members of every major political party”.

In others words, the Labour Party should be okay as other parties make up the organisations.

Of his career he said;

“I’m fortunate to have enjoyed a career in public service which has permitted me to serve the city I love at the highest levels.”

Would that be of pay?

£129k a year!

I would suspect that in the future, we will see Ron Culley in another post somewhere else.

First, I would recommend he travels to any shrine built at the Labour Controlled Glasgow City Chambers by Labour Councillor Alistair Watson; it will be the Lourdes of the North.
Alistair Watson should get a statute of himself made; he will be the Bernadette Soubirous of Glasgow.

Miracles don’t you know.

It seems that so many senior figures are baling of the SPT cash cow; one wonders if it is to protect it?

Already there is a Labour Party replacement line up to take over from Alistair Watson.

Graeme Hendry, SNP councillor in Glasgow, said;

“Simply taking one Labour councillor out and putting in another is not real reform of what is clearly an organisation with a dysfunctional leadership.”

I wonder has anyone has asked Glasgow Labour Councillor Jonathan Findlay what football team he supports?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Your remark about asking what football team Cllr. Jon Findlay supports is an example of vile bigotry that we in Glasgow have being trying to rid ourselves of for decades. What a future you and your snp cronies have for Glasgow if we are unfortunate in electing an snp administration, rampant bigotry allied with crass ineptness. we have been warned.

  2. Dear Sagacityinverted

    “Your remark about asking what football team Cllr. Jon Findlay supports is an example of vile bigotry”.

    No, it is a question of will Findlay be using the SPT, Labour’s cash cow to go to football matches.

    Trying to play the sectarian card shows you up as the clown you undoubtedly are.

    After decades of ‘trying’ to destroy vile bigotry, thank you for highlighting how Labour Glasgow City Council have failed.

    Mind you, the Labour Party effectively runs the sectarian industry, don’t they?

    That explains why there is still a problem.

    As for Findlay check this out

    Why is Findlay accepting free gifts from a drainage company?

    “What a future you and your snp cronies have for Glasgow if we are unfortunate in electing an snp administration, rampant bigotry allied with crass ineptness”.

    Rampant bigotry that’s a laugh, you must be thinking of Labour run councils, Monklands ring a bell numbnuts?

    As for ineptness, growing up in Labour gerrymandered ghettos, I know what ineptness is, everything that Labour touches.

    Crawl back under your rock.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
