Thursday, February 18, 2010

Labour Party organise regional Cabinet meetings in key marginal seats at taxpayers expense, legalised abuse of power, corrupt Britain is so squalid

Dear All

The Labour Party copied the SNP Scottish Government’s idea of taking Cabinet meetings to various places round the country to meet the people.

But the morally bankrupt Labour Party abused the idea, although it’s taxpayers money they used, they think its their money.

Now, the Labour Cabinet roadshow is engulfed in controversy after it emerged that ministers were using the regional visits to stage party events before an election campaign.

Harriet Harman, the Labour Party’s Deputy Leader, used a publicly funded trip to Exeter to hold an election meeting with activists.

As usual the Labour Party have been poor at covering their tracks, a leaked letter from Harriet Harman shows she made plans to meet candidates, officials and trade unionists from the South West region to discuss campaign strategy.

The letter said;

“This will be a chance for me to hear directly from you as party members in a private meeting to talk about the issues and campaigning activity in the South West. It will be particularly helpful for me to hear from you in the run-up to the general election about the activities taking place in the area.”

So, it’s meet the public provided they are Labour!

The Tories in the shape of Douglas Carswell said;

“Gordon Brown has been caught red-handed using government money to fund political activity. It is clear that these meetings are simply designed to ship the Cabinet into marginal seats to secure good PR for Labour’s election campaign at taxpayers’ expense.”

I expect that the Labour Party will say that these meetings were a coincidence and planned long in advance.

Carswell has written to Sir Gus O’Donnell, the head of the Civil Service, asking him to consider blocking further regional Cabinet meetings, but given O’Donnell is in the pocket of Labour, I cannot see him doing anything for the Tories.

I am surprised that Carswell wrote such a letter unless it is ammo for the future sacking of O’Donnell.

So, the Labour Party will continue their taxpayer funded tours of Labour marginal seats using regional cabinet meetings as cover.

These Labour clowns are simply a joke but come the General election some will be out on the street.

Gordon Brown held two regional Cabinets in 2008 and five last year, the visits all have something in common; all are close to or in key marginal seats.

It is abuse of public funds for political ends.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Strange, your page shows up with a red hue to it, what color is the main color on your site?
