Thursday, February 18, 2010

International outrage at Mossad killers using European Passports, Israelis won't be handing over the murderers, they will assigned office work

Dear All

It seems that the Israeli state murder squads have gotten themselves into political hot water.

The murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh using fake European Passports has literally blown up in their faces.

The British Government has now entered the row with the Israelis and described the use of six British passports as an "outrage".

The Israelis have decided to adopt the tactic of saying there is no proof to connect them to the murder.

Craig Murray in an article on the subject of denial said;

"You can't prove that" is the riposte of the criminal who thinks he is too clever to be caught. It actually answered the question perfectly - no, Campbell never thinks about the Iraqis whose deaths he helped to cause”.

The counterfeit of British Passports has another side benefit; it makes a mockery of the Labour Government’s ID database but that is a story for another time.

The dispute as well as hitting Britain also involves France and Ireland who are equally outraged because it is a violation.

Jewish Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he "hoped and expected" Tel Aviv would co-operate fully with the investigation announced by Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

That is fantasy politics, the Israelis aren’t going to hand over members of their murder squads or cooperate in any investigation.

They will play a game of stalling tactics and hope time shifts the focus in the public domain.

Miliband said;

"Any interference with British passports is an outrage. We take this case extremely seriously - the integrity of our system is critical."

Note no condemnation of the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, the British “investigation” is already closed.

BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen said if it was proved that the Israelis used British passports "for some nefarious uses of its Mossad service - as they have in the past with Canadian and New Zealand ones", then relations between the UK and Israel would be "in a crisis".

One of the myths current played out by mainstream politicians is that Israel is an ally of the West; the reality is that Israel isn’t an ally of anyone. They are quite happy to use western countries as a buffer between them and Arab states.

Finally, people should remember that the Israelis have no intention of handing over members of their state murder squads operated by Mossad.

This is an “investigation” going nowhere.

The only thing that will happen is now the killers have been careless to get photographed they will be useless for field work in the near future.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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