Friday, February 12, 2010

Labour MP Geoff Hoon realises that he has no future in the Labour Party and bales out, he will be back via a lucrative job at some point

Dear All

The head of the abortive coup to get Gordon Brown to stand down as Prime Minister has announced he is standing down as an MP.

Former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon is what could be described as a ‘Blairite’.

In trying to force Brown out, he has ran into a maelstrom of hate by local activists in Ashford, Nottinghamshire.

They wanted to de-select him so rather than being pushed he has decided to jump.

Hoon has been an MP since 1992 but in politics where unquestioning loyalty to the leadership is required, he was out of step.

As a former lawyer and lecturer, he should be able to make a return to either profession should he choose.

What Hoon and Hewitt, his co-conspirator is saying about Brown is true, he is damaged goods and will lead the Labour Party to certain electoral defeat at the ballot box.

In his resignation letter, he said it had been a "great privilege" to be an MP and that he was "proud of what I have been able to achieve".

Is he proud of the hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq and Afghanistan?

That is also part of his legacy to Britain.

Of his Labour Party membership he said;

"I joined the Labour Party because I believed in equality, in freedom of speech and in tolerance, compassion and understanding for people, irrespective of their background and views. In whatever I decide to do in the future I will hold to those principles."

The Labour Party of today holds none of these values; they have contributed to wrecking British society by their policies on foreign affair, social engineering, immigration and denial of justice both legal and social.

The gap between rich and poor under Labour is at its widest for 40 years, rather than rolling back inequality, he and the Labour Party has made it more entrenched in broken Britain.

The legacy of Geoff Hoon is failure.

He will not be missed but this isn’t the end of the Hoon story, rather it is the turning of a page, he like Tory MP Andrew MacKay will resurface in a lucrative job.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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