Friday, February 12, 2010

Glasgow University Child Sex Predator finally gets caught by Police, is this the University of choice for Paedophiles?

Dear All

Most people don’t know that Glasgow University has a history of sexual predators and malicious deviants.

It is the side of the university which the Senior University Management likes to keep secret and protect from outside scrutiny.

It is the false front of respectability which the public are shown but in corridors of power in Glasgow University certain people have carte blanche to prey and victimise people.

One of the most dangerous sexual predators in modern Scottish history is Andrew Byrne.

He is a product of Glasgow University, a man so sick and depraved his crimes are beyond belief in their magnitude and scope.

Andrew Byrne used the internet to groom and little children for sex.

At the High Court in Glasgow, the ‘Beast of Gilmorehill’ pled guilty to 32 charges, including having sex with three 13-year-old girls and a 14-year-old.

Among the victims of the Glasgow University beast were eleven girls and eight boys from across the UK who where aged between eight and 15 at the time when abused by him.

Another sickening aspect of this case is that Byrne was proactive in attempting to secure a placement at Yorkhill Children's Hospital in Glasgow.

This would have brought him into contact with defenceless and vulnerable kids, his Glasgow University connection would have greatly assisted in getting that placement.

As well as his own sickening conduct Andrew Byrne would encourage others to abuse others, in one case he asked a 15 year old boy to perform sex acts on an 8 year child.

And his Glasgow University depravity didn’t stop there as he had discussions about the possibility of raping a little girl.

So far, Andrew Bryne has admitted to sex with at least 20 under-age girls.

The epic scales of his crimes are truly staggering as Detective Inspector Charlie Mitchell said;

"We have spoken to almost 250 kids across the UK who he has committed some form of online offence against”.

This must make Andrew Bryne, the most prolific sexual predator in the history of Scottish Education.

Of the 15 "top-level" offenders among the 200 paedophiles uncovered by Operation Defender, Police rated Andrew Byrne of Glasgow University, Number One.

Other sexual deviants of note who studied and worked at Glasgow University include Dr. Brendan Wallace; he was a research fellow in the university's Public Health and Health Policy Department and was based in the Faculty of Medicine.

His speciality was dressing as cross-dressing male whore charging his services out for £40 a time while being a Glasgow University employee.

Then there is the infamous case reported in the University newspaper of a senior lecturer in the Arts Faculty who was alleged to have tampered with a girl while she was lying asleep and totally defenceless.

She couldn’t exercise her right to say no!

In 2004, the University of Glasgow awarded a PhD to Richard Yuill for a thesis that suggested that sex between adults and minors is a good and positive thing.

Prior to attending Glasgow University, Richard Yuill was struck off the teaching register in 1999 for professional misconduct; he then gravitated towards Glasgow University.

Did Andrew Byrne read this thesis in the main university library?

Did this inspire him to commit his crimes?

When Yuill’s activities came to light, the Glasgow University Management passed on information that allowed Yuill to alert the paedophiles he was in contact with.

Yuill’s internet name was ‘boylover’.

Glasgow University seems to attract sexual predators and malicious deviants.

Is that because staff are so understanding?

The Police have picked up Andrew Byrne but the University of Glasgow is riddled other nasty horrible vile people who should be removed from society.

You only have to ask the Principal Anton Muscatelli, most of Vice-Principals and other members of the Senior University Management, they are the type of people who defend the perpetrators at the expense of the victims.

One pervert locked up but their numbers are legion, isn't that right Muscatelli?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. What a horrible bunch of dividuals.

  2. what a horrible bunch of individuals

  3. You call yourself a human rights organization and then applaud the hounding out of the accomplished researcher Richard Yuill in an attempt to hype your sensationalist agenda? His doctoral dissertation is sound, and he is not the first researcher to come to the same conclusions.

    Your efforts would be better aimed at supporting academic freedom. That Yuill's thesis was suppressed for five years does not phase you in the least?

    You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

  4. A job at the Daily Mail awaits. What a load of rubbish.

    One thing. You're saying that the people who defend those who are later found to be guilty are almost as bad? Surely presuming guilt before due process is just as bad.

    You, sir, are a clown.

  5. Richard Yuill's ''conclusions'' are little more than a green light for the weak and vulerable to be left open to exploitation. The online paedophile activists are posting in places like these in the hope that one day they can get their grubby hands on a youngster without having to face justice.
