Thursday, February 11, 2010

Team McCann taking Gonçalo Amaral to court opened the floodgates, NPIA report states the parents should be investigated

Dear All

The decision by Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann to pursue Gonçalo Amaral was a mistake, rather than stopping information coming into the public domain they created a flood.

A National Policy Investigation report, a British private body considers that not only the abduction should be investigated but also the death of Madeleine McCann.

The report states that criminal profiler Lee Rainbow who went to Praia da Luz had 'a strong conviction of the parent’s involvement into their daughter’s disappearance'.

It seems that the McCann bubble has finally burst.

The report’s contents make for interesting reading with comments such as;

“It was Madeleine's father who was the last one to see her alive”.
“The family is a lead that should be followed”.
“The contradictions in Gerald McCann's statements might lead us to suspect a homicide".
"On June 1st 2007 British police had the theory that Madeleine could be dead and the family could be involved".

At present, the Madeleine McCann case has been archived by the Portuguese Police for the last three years.

During this time both Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann could have asked for the case to be reopened.

They did not.

The Portuguese Police need to reopen this case and start again from scratch.

The McCanns’ should be subject to an EU arrest warrant and returned to Portugal to answer questions under oath in a Court of Law as well as the Tapas 7.

Finally, is it not sad that Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann are prepared to travel thousands of miles but on the night of their daughter’s disappearance they never joined the search for her themselves?

Mind you there is rather a lot of money on the table now that wasn’t available in Praia da Luz in May 2007.

I remember Gerald McCann from Glasgow University, he is the kind of person when you walk pass, you instinctively turn round and check.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Very, very, very accurate, indeed.

  2. We have also today a comment from MarkWilliams Thomas ,that it is not too late to question the twins...

    We have the Mccanns at a later date admitting themselves that they believe the twins were given a substance to keep them asleep.

    If the twins were to be questioned, they would have no problem in memory recall, the Mccanns have made it very clear that the twins are out to get the 'Monster' who took Maddie.

  3. The case was archived in July 2008, that was 1 1/2 years ago.

    The problem with the case is the amount of support given to them from the very top of the british government. They will be asking for a review NOT a reopening. A review done by the british police.

    There is one DNA sample that was described by the FSS as allegedly matching a profile from another crime but could not be pinned on a name. Once they have the authority to review the case this will be attributed to Raymond Hewlett and the case will be solved.


    Yes the cover up is deep.

    Something else not for our eyes.

    Conspiracy of Silence

  5. Johanna your words hold such a ring of truth that you scare me.

    1. I don"t think tht would get thm done it will still be all covered up and there was a police man who caught a ring of paedophiles and thought he might get promoted instead he got the sack for "Opening a can of worms" he was told

  6. Watch VERY carefully. If the McCann's attempt to blame Hewlett for Maddie's death/disappearance, be CERTAIN you know everything there is to know about Hewlett's background. The man was, in my opinion, ALLOWED to go free in Ireland and elsewhere during the period of time he was wanted in the Lesley Molseed murder. Find out all you can about the FSS results used in the Molseed case. Do NOT stay silent if they do as Joana has suggested. I agree with her that this is what they will try to do. There is MUCH that is suspicious about Hewlett's freedom and good reasons to question the verdict in the Molseed case. (It is apparent to me that Ronald Castree was set up in that case, in the same way they are going to set Hewlett up in the McCann case.)

  7. Thank you Winnower have just found the Raymond Hewlett blog..An incredible amount of work and very nicely presented. I am now about to read your work.


    Here is the link and yes very, very plausible.


    Here we have him...5th Nov 2007...

  10. Former Scots Guard Peter Verran, 46, shared a Moroccan campsite with Hewlett between June and November 2007.

    We also have Verran placing him in Morroco Nov 2007

  11. Hitchen at his very very best.
