Monday, November 2, 2009

Team Angiolini get 'ass raped' down Glasgow Sheriff Court by a jury in six minutes

Dear All

I have previously written that Elish Angiolini has to go.

Here is a case to highlight my point she is a liability and a poor leader of the Crown and Procurator Fiscal Service.

A Police sergeant and his son were attacked and stabbed by a thug called Edward Sweeney who was carrying a knife, in self defence they knocked Sweeney unconscious.

The Crown and Procurator Fiscal Service under the control of Elish Angiolini then charged the victims with a crime.

This raises the question, what kind of basket cases does Angiolini employ?

And why haven’t they been sacked?

And why were they employed in the first place?

Cop David Beattie saw Edward Sweeney chasing his blood-stained son Callum along the street with a blade in his hand.

In Angiolini world, the correct decision would be to standby and let Sweeney knife the boy to death.

Beattie grabbed the first thing to hand and battered the thug over the head with a brick; he saved his son’s life and risked his own at the same time.

So, after listening to Team Angiolini present shit to a jury, the jury at Glasgow Sheriff Court responded by taking six minutes to clear the victims.

David Beattie said;

"I have always maintained my innocence. The fact that the jury were out for only six minutes totally vindicated my position."

The fact this went in front a jury beggar’s belief in the first place.

Should it ever be acceptable to take the law into your own hands?

I would say that if it is the interests of justice such as in this case then yes.

If David Beattie hadn’t stepped in to help, the outcome might have been his son being murdered.

Is the Team Angiolini saying it is better to standby and let someone be killed?

In this case the jury did the right thing but in the case of Stephen Armstrong, they got it wrong.

In the Armstrong case like Beattie, he was faced by a knifeman and forced to defend himself when he and his family were attacked.

Armstrong is currently sitting in prison;, justice denied courtesy of Team Angiolini.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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