Monday, November 2, 2009

Glasgow University Professor bends the knee to support New Labour

Dear All

Professor Neil McKeganey is director of the Centre for Drug Misuse Research at Glasgow University.

Having listened and read some of his outpourings on how to tackle drugs, my opinion is that he is a bam!

I have yet to find anything worthwhile that he has written about the drugs problem in Scotland.

Now McKeganey has written that Professor David Nutt was wrong to speak out about various Labour failures over the years.

Wake up McKeganey, the Labour Party is getting binned in England; soon they would be able to get a nickel for their granny.

McKeganey said;

“If you say to a young person that the legal drugs they are using are more harmful than many currently illegal drugs you are providing an entirely misplaced reassurance about their possible subsequent illegal drug use”.

I would say that Nutt is not providing reassurance but stating an opinion.

For example, alcoholism will eventually kill you.

Smoking will eventually kill you via cancer.

McKeganey added;

“If you couple that view by recommending the dissolution of the distinction between the legal and illegal drugs you are then opening up the realm of much wider possible drug use and you are undermining efforts aimed at drug prevention.”

Drug prevention hasn’t worked; McKeganey is part of an industry that lives off the misery of others, while he lives his cushy life in the trendy west end with his head up his arse, he is a million miles away from the reality of drug users and their problems.

I suspect that the reason that McKeganey likes to be so controversial is that it helps with his applications for grants for his ‘little industry’ down at University of Glasgow.

McKeganey concedes that Nutt has the right as an academic to state his views on drug risks but not the right to publicly undermine the decisions taken in relation to those drugs by ministers”.

Actually, McKeganey, he has the right as a citizen to speak out in a democracy regardless of what position he holds if he feels strongly about it.

The decision to reclassify Cannabis from Class C to B was based on politics, everyone knows that the Labour Party was in trouble and was looking for a quick hit to deflect bad publicity.

McKeganey is described as drugs expert by some; it seems some people are a bit careless throwing about the title expert.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the alleged Prof, should take a walk over into the psychiatric phrama department. Satis drug misuse in place at present, all legal and making a killing.

    USA, sees 600 billion dollars worth of Anti-depressants and the rest sold each year.

    Best route is just avoid as many medications and say no to class substance use.

    More detail

    Stop Compulsive Treatments.

    Keep doing good George, great blog!
