Monday, November 2, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain's key election issue is blown apart by SNP success

Dear All

Labour Candidate William Bain has found an interest in crime.

To be exact his new found interest is to make people fearful and point the finger at the Scottish Government.

He has made crime his key election issue, crime, crime, crime!

While he has been mouthing off talking rubbish, the SNP have been quietly working in the background getting funding in place to support Scottish Intelligence Coordination Unit.

The idea is to have an elite crime-fighting unit in Scotland to gangsters profiting from serious and organised crime.

Unlike William Bain’s simple ideas, this idea has merit.

A team of 40 officers start work at the Scottish Intelligence Coordination Unit to comply data which will be analysis by financial analysts and forensic accountants to track where the crooks stash their ill-gotten gains.

Under the previous Labour administration’s there was not the political will to tackle serious organised crime in Scotland, now there is.

During the latest crackdown on serious criminal activity, a two-month campaign by officers from Strathclyde drugs with an estimated street value of £7.9m and seized more than £295,000 in cash.

On top of that more than £3.3m of criminal assets were also identified, these assets are in the process of being seized.

To show how serious the SNP are taking this problem Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill attended a press conference to mark the success of the latest crackdown. He also confirmed the creation of the new intelligence unit.

Mr MacAskill said;

"We recognise as a government that some of the specialist people we have to provide to tackle serious and organised crime are not just rank and file police officers.
We also need to provide financial analysts and IT experts. This was something that the SCDEA wanted to do and we have provided the funding”.

So while Labour Candidate William Bain was talking nonsense about crime in Glasgow North East, the SNP Government has already acted, shown leadership, ideas and will.

Kenny MacAskill added;

"Bad people are being locked up, guns and drugs are being taken off our streets and those who prey upon our communities are being stripped of their assets."

I bet William Bain is rueing the day he made crime an election issue.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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