Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SNP Candidate David Kerr vows to fight hard to protect people's jobs

Dear All

As well as the normal campaign issues brought by voters in Glasgow North East, concerns spring during the campaign.

The Banking crisis is still ongoing as the threat of redundancies hanging over thousands of people employed in the financial sector.

SNP Candidate David Kerr is adamant that the SNP will not let the banking reforms be a "direct line to the breadline" for Glasgow workers.

David Kerr was joined by the party’s Work and Pensions spokesman and Glasgow East MP John Mason and Treasury spokesman Stewart Hosie to demand that the UK Government give workers at Direct Line and other RBS insurance firms a guarantee over the future of their jobs.

RBS which suffered enormous problems is now effectively owned by the UK Government and indirectly you and me as taxpayers.

This bank is now being forced to sell its insurance companies who employ a substantial number of people in the Glasgow area, some 1,600 jobs.

As the spectre of unemployment hangs over these people, we should remember that unemployment in Glasgow North East is now higher under Labour than it waswhen Gordon Brown became Chancellor.

The Labour Government who played a major part in failing to regulate the banks lurch from one crisis to another. David Kerr said;
“Only the SNP will fight for Glasgow's banking jobs, and we need guarantees that the new proposals offer more than a direct line to the bread line from Gordon Brown”.

As well as taking up the call to protect people currently in jobs, David Kerr throughout this campaign has insisted that jobs for those people who have missed their chance will be foremost in the minds of his staff. I know that he has been spoken to about ways in which residents can be helped to get that all important second chance.

David Kerr added;
“The UK Government owns these banks, any sell off that puts Glasgow’s jobs or Scotland’s economy at risk is unacceptable”.
SNP Treasury spokesman Stewart Hosie said;
“Competition in banking is good, but at least 1,600 jobs are under threat in this city, and the potential loss of local branches and uncertainty of ordinary workers in financial services is worrying for many”.

I understand that the SNP is taking this matter extremely seriously at Westminister with possible questions being asked. So the SNP will be taking the Labour Government to task on this matter and presenting the best possible arguments for swift action.

A vote for David Kerr to be sent to Westminister will show that Glasgow is moving forward and the past is not to be repeated.

Glasgow North East needs that fresh start.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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