Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain campaigns with inept and slated Jack McConnell, “the answer is you don’t know”.

Dear All

Bernard Ponsonby is a television presenter.

In an interview during the run up to the Scottish Holyrood elections, he had Jack McConnell on his show.

The most memorable quote of that interview used repeatedly by Ponsonby was;

“the answer is you don’t know”.

He completely destroyed and politically buried Jack McConnell that night.

The next night McConnell faced Gordon Brewer of the BBC who after the first burial, dug up the corpse and murdered him again.

McConnell, after defeat at the ballot box was cast into the wilderness so that “brain the size of a planet” Wendy Alexander could take over the leadership.

McConnell got a few baubles from Gordon Brown such as a High Commissioner’s job in Malawi, a job he never sat an interview for. It was what I would describe as bribery and corruption.

Meritocracy, the myth promoted by New Labour right out the fucking window, pardon the French.

Now, McConnell like John Reid has been thrown into the Glasgow North Eastern front to fight for William Bain.

But not too hard, a photo opportunity and a couple of hours work.

Anyway, McConnell fed his political line by Bain’s English Minders has condemned the SNP’s neglect of Glasgow.

The Labour lies don’t stack up against the truth.

SNP MSP Anne McLaughlin said;

“Not only does Glasgow City Council receives the highest grant per head of population of any mainland local authority, the SNP Government is directly investing over £842m in the new Southern General Hospital and over £2bn to build infrastructure in advance on the 2014 Commonwealth Games”.

The facts speak from themselves and are verifiable.

As well as punting lies McConnell said;

"The many hard-working Glaswegians I met today were born and brought up here like Willie Bain and deeply proud of this area”.

This nonsense of living there has been done to death by Bain and is not a substitute for policies that Bain has steered clear of.

Apart from a phoney action plan which he has produced on paper only; he is clueless.

McConnell added of Bain;

"He is a man in touch with his own community."

He was so in touch that he couldn’t be bothered as Chairman of the Springburn Labour Party and Michael Martin’s election agent to hold surgeries so that the people in his area could get help.

Given Bain’s record of failure to help, how is he in touch?

His sudden concern is more to do with the fact that there is an MP salary plus expenses up for grabs.

Labour Candidate Willie Bain said;

"I was born and grew up here so I know just how proud we all are of the area”.

Bain so proud he makes promises for things he isn’t entitled to and lies to pensioners on the doorstep.

Act of a proud man?

Man of integrity?

Or just as I have always said, a crackpot!

As for McConnell; his problems and failings are well documented; two nuggets lashed together by circumstances.

It is amazing what a grown man will do for a High Commissioner’s job.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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