Saturday, November 21, 2009

Personal failure for Gordon Brown, he fails to get elected man responsible for littering the Middle East with dead bodies to position as EU President

Dear All

Let us all remember for a moment that the Labour Government and Gordon Brown failed to get Tony Blair chosen as the new president of the EU Council.

The Europeans know as does everyone else that Tony Blair is political poison outside his group of cronies.

He is personally responsible along with George W Bush for the destruction of Iraq and the morass that is Afghanistan.

On top of that there is the torture issue which Craig Murray has extensively outlined on his blog.

Downing Street has found out a universal truth and abandoned its campaign to put the ex-prime minister in the prestige job.

Having this war criminal chair the EU Council with all those dead bodies littering the Middle East is obscene.

In trying to claim some kind of win, the inept Prime Minister has attempted to say that the appointment of Labour Crony Baroness Ashton “reinforced" the UK's place "at the heart of Europe".

No, it doesn’t she was selected because she is a dud.

In attempting to talk up this loser Brown further stated that as EU's Trade Commissioner, she had been "highly effective".

So effectively she made no impact in the UK.

Although Blair had never publicly said he was in the running for the job of EU President, his people were taking soundings and travelling to gain support.

This is so he can have plausible denial but word is out of the war criminal Tony Blair, political poison.

The Conservatives in shadow foreign secretary William Hague said;
"Gordon Brown spent a great deal of energy and political capital trying to secure the presidency for Tony Blair. The summit's result is a defeat for him."

Aside from laughing behind Blair’s back, everyone is looking to the future when the Labour Party will be defeated at the General Election.

For some of us looking for our ‘Portillo’ moment with some Scottish Labour MPs at the election, it cannot come soon enough.

Time to throw out the trash, time to throw out Labour!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. It now appears that Gorgon did a deal and, spiting Mandelson in the process, secured a nonentity in the No 2 position.

    He also agreed to support a French nomination for the EU post controlling banks, etc.

    That's the City cloacad then.

    Paris 1 London null points

    They will need Scottish Oil revenue even more now.
