Sunday, November 22, 2009

Labour MSP Jack McConnell seeks return to Holyrood from local Motherwell 'pigsty'

Dear All

Remember Jack McConnell?

Famous for losing the Holyrood May 2007 Election!

Famous for getting a verbal kicking off Bernard Ponsonby!

Famous for getting a verbal kicking off Gordon Brewer!

Famous for calling Motherwell a pigsty!

Now with the prospect of a Tory Government, the nonentity needs to think of where his bread and butter is going to come from.

So, the former first minister, Jack McConnell is seeking re-selection as a candidate in the next Scottish Parliament election.

What no peerage from Gordon Brown?

So why does Jack McConnell want to represent his favourite “pigsty”?

I would suggest Loadsamoney!!!!!!

This must rank as the final humiliation for McConnell crawling back to the electorate to beg to keep his job.

Let’s hope they have a Michael Portillo moment and put him out on the street, people will cheer; children with cry and the party can begin.

Finally, how many trotters do you have to shake to become a Labour MSP?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear Conan

    Just trying to do my little bit to let people know we could have a better society if...

    A lot of problems come from one source, the Labour Party, the party of rich, the party of the greedy and the party of the bully.

    People need to stand up and be counted even in the face of attacks by the Labour Party and their cronies.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  2. Well said.

    Just watch out for the cyberSLABS.

    As they said in hill st blues. let's be careful out there

  3. I wouldnae mind if all parties stopped treating folks day to day as some game they can faux taunt each other with and in the end do feck all.

    Bust the club mentality.
